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3 min read
Lakshadweep Corals are Dying: Understanding Corals and the Bleaching Crisis
Learn what are corals and how is coral bleaching a threat to Lakshadweep islands
6 min read
It's a snail eat snail kind of world!
Something very sinister was happening on the shores of Odisha! A snail was caught attacking its own family!
5 min read
Six-legged mermaids
Find out how several species of aquatic beetles live together in a single pond.
5 min read
Birds, Trees and the Narcondam Islands
Organisation of plant-seed disperser community on an Island in absence of regular small birds
6 min read
What’s so fatal about being a silent female katydid?
Researchers studied bat predation of katydids to know if signalling males are more prone to predators than non-signalling females
4 min read
What's that hiding in the grasses? Grassland bird's preferred habitat
For my dissertation, I studied birds in one of the most threatened ecosystems of Arunachal Pradesh, the grasslands!
3 min read
Ever seen beating hearts of honeybees!?
Researchers from Bangalore studied the effect of varying levels of pollution on Giant honey bees.The study threw up some shocking results!
6 min read
Black monkey under threat, or is it just stress?
"For my master’s dissertation, I studied the behaviour and ecology of Nilgiri langurs of the Southern western ghats, Tamil Nadu, India"
6 min read
Elephant in the room (Quite literally!)
We often find ouselves commenting on the human-elephant 'conflict' in our country. But what do the locals think about living with elephants?
4 min read
Bengal Florican: an elusive birds’ disappearing act
Critically endangered Bengal Florican is spotted in the breeding season, but where does it go in the non breeding season?
4 min read
Why could different forms (morphs) of males evolve together? The red deer example.
Males of red deer can be with or without antlers. Such males in multiple morphs are found in insects like beetles. We ask "WHY?" "HOW!?"
4 min read
Why is it important to study the natural world scientifically?
Not all of us need to become scientists to contribute to science. Every observation of a bird, butterfly or a moth you make is invaluable.
5 min read
Hanuman langur is now four different species!
Taxonomy of Hanuman langurs has puzzled researchers for a very long time. This study resolves the identity crisis of Hanuman langurs!
5 min read
Why do male Peninsular rock lizards change colour?!
Male peninsular rock lizards change colour to convey information to other individuals. But why is it important to 'change' colour?!
3 min read
What do eagle owls eat? How is owl diet studied?
Owls hunt for their prey, seize them and carry off. They are nocturnal with terrific binocular vision, hook-tipped beaks and sharp curved...
4 min read
Tweeting in different dialects
What can happen to bird songs if populations of same bird species stop interacting with each other?
3 min read
Survival Tricks
Seed dispersal has always proven to be advantageous for plants to reduce competition and inbreeding. This mechanism results in much...
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